Pregnancy and Medicines

A couple of weeks ago, I saw this article and I had bookmarked it to write on it. And I’m doing it now. It’s a fascinating idea. Read on.

They call 888-30-CRACK to reach the organization and provide evidence of their drug use such as arrest records or letters from social workers. Drug addicts can earn up to $300. (Barbara) Harris runs her organization on donations and is not afraid to advertise in a very bold way. She drives around in a motor home with a large image of a dead baby, a razor blade, line of cocaine, pacifier, and the saying “Some things just don’t belong together.

To read more:

It’s a fascinating idea really, giving monetary compensation to someone, who uses drugs, so they won’t get pregnant. Does this mean if someone takes the cash and gets knocked up, they have to pay the money back? I wonder what sparked this 57-year-old woman to decide this was the way to cull the drug addict baby boom.

Harris started Project Prevention 1997. Here’s some stats:

  • Worked with 3,371 addicts in the U.S.
  • Of those, 1,253 have opted for tubal ligations or vasectomies.
  • Permanent procedures received $300.
  • Those opting for IUDs or surgical implants receive $100 when the device is inserted and $100 more six months and a year later if the device is still in use. Yahoo News

I checked out the web site, and it seemed to be targeted more toward men then women.  I’m unsure of as to why. I understand that ultimately, the mother intake of substances has a lot of influence, but what about genetics: kids from parent(s) who are addicts are eight times more likely to become an addicts. And cost efficiency of it all.  According to Planned Parenthood, a vasectomy runs from $300 to $1000, tubal sterilization (for women) runs from $1,500 and $6,000. In other words, it’s cheaper to neuter a man than to spade a woman.

Is this just more socially acceptable type of social engineering? Is it an unfair or unnecessary cause that Project Prevention is taking up? Is there another way to try to get this accomplished? What do you guys think about this?